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Victoria Jackson: ARTIFACTS

Advanced Grassroots MCH Leadership Training


ARTIFACT 1: Golden Circle

ARTIFACT 2: Proposal for S.E.X. Education/ Funding for Certification

ARTIFACT 3: Advocacy Through Ms. Essence Competition

ARTIFACT 4:  Application to and Acceptance to a Sexual Health Education Certification Program


ARTIFACT 1: Golden Circle

The concept of the Golden Circle clicked with me. This concept helped me find my focus and move forward with Sex Education Xposed.

The WHY is the most important part.

My WHY is because I'm passionate about helping children who were victims of sexual abuse. 
My HOW is through raising awareness, getting certified, and spreading the word that we can stop sexual abuse.
My WHAT is a SEX education curriculum that will teach students how to support one another, stay safe, understand sexuality and gender, and know what to do to help when they hear about sexual abuse.
Once I had a clear idea of my Golden Circle, I started moving forward to propose, plan, prepare to lead Grassroots Teen Leaders through sex education.

ARTIFACT 2: Proposal for Funding to Get Certified as a Sex Educator + Pitch for Grassroots Teen S.E.X. Programming


Grassroots Maternal and Child Health Leaders

S.E.X. Proposal

ISEE Certified Holistic Sex Educator Certification

Victoria Jackson


“It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves.” (Luke 17:2-3 NIV)

Looking at the world, it seems we are so far gone from the warning of this scripture. According to statistics, before the age of 18, 1 out of every 4 girls is sexually abused, and 1 out of every 6 boys is sexually abused. (Indiana Center for the Prevention of Youth Abuse & Suicide, 2018) also reports:

“Consequences of child sexual abuse begin affecting children and families immediately. They also affect society in innumerable and negative ways. These effects can continue throughout the life of the survivor so the impact on society for just one survivor continues over multiple decades. Try to imagine the impact of 42 million survivors… the number of survivors in America today. Prevention education is proven to be effective in reducing these statistics…”


A holistic sex education program which is characterized by comprehensive, evidence based, age appropriate curriculum is helpful in addressing sexual violence since most young victims may not even recognize their victimization or may not know the proper names of body parts to effectively communicate abuse.

We propose to implement Sex Education Xposed (S.E.X.), holistic sex education program for Indiana teens. A similar grassroots sex education program in North Carolina (Rustin, 2018) received much success and is now developed into a statewide organization that’s dedicated to a similar mission. Our 12-week program will focus on sexual abuse and prevention, gender identity, and sexual and mental health/stability. Our learning objectives for students include but are not limited to: human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behavior, sexual health, and society and culture.

We will first implement our program at Purpose of Life Ministries starting with Zoom sessions in accordance with CDC preventative guidelines to reduce the spread of Covid-19. The program will begin with a primary cohort of 10 hand selected high school youth affiliated with the church. After completing this training, and LifeSkills Training (CDC), these youth will be trained to become Grassroots Maternal and Child Health Leaders, so that they are equipped with the skills to become advocates in their community and among their peers to advance maternal and child health and sexual and reproductive health.

In order for Sex Education Xposed to be most impactful, I would like to receive certification as a Sex Education Educator. The best program for this is through the Institute for Sexuality Education and Enlightenment (ISEE), an approved Organizational Provider of CE’s by American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. (AASECT)

Through this training I will learn a holistic approach to sex education to include: cultivating and utilizing the community, promoting understanding of fulfilling relationships, connecting sexuality with ecology, creating mind, body, and spirit awareness, providing accurate current sexual information, and promoting understanding of intersectionality, social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. This program also covers a variety of areas such as trauma, disability, and spiritual approaches to sexuality, and networking opportunities, which would directly help our teen GMCHL program. Included with ISEE’s program are five hours of one on one time with expert certified educators to help customize curriculum to fit our program. The cost of ISEE’s Holistic Sexuality Educator Certification is $5800 and can take up to two years to complete.

ARTIFACT 3: Advocacy Through the Ms. Essence Competition as a Platform to Promote Grassroots Teen S.E.X. -- Sex Education Xposed.




Acceptance into a Sexual Education Certification program
I applied and was accepted into a SEX Education certification program.
The program will help me better understand issues and curriculums that can help Grassroots teen leaders.
UPDATE: August 2021--I completed her training and received official certification as a sexual educator.

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