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Navigating the Social Ecological Model of Health Promotion (5 sessions)

SESSION 12:  Leading Community Dialogue on Building a Healthy Community


READ Section 17 Leading a Community Dialogue on Building a Healthy Community

READ Melvin Dixon Heartbeats


Writing About Reading:

Revisit your Golden Circle. Draw it once again for Session 12. Then, with the WHY in mind, list THREE COMMUNITIES you would like to begin dialoging with about the WHY of your initiative.

1) Name a community, name a person you know or have connections to [or want to have connections with] in the community, name the physical location where the group gathers/meets, and YOUR OBJECTIVE for talking with THIS community.



1a) I would like a faculty member in IT to help me build a database to support grassroots initiatives and catalogue research. 

1b) I can contact Dr. C. Justice in her student lab.

1c) Dr. Justice meets with her grad students in the IT building in The Living Lab.

1d) My objective is to ask a team of undergrads (who are coached by a graduate teaching assistant) to build a Qualtrics database that supports grassroots leaders and track research.

2) Name a community, name a person you know or have connections to [or want to have connections with] in the community, name the physical location where the group gathers/meets, and YOUR OBJECTIVE for talking with THIS community.

3) Name a community, name a person you know or have connections to [or want to have connections with] in the community, name the physical location where the group gathers/meets, and YOUR OBJECTIVE for talking with THIS community.

4) Based on our readings, create a list of FIVE ways you might spark dialogue with community partners. Add these to your WIX, Google Doc, or Advanced Grassroots MCH Leaders documents.

SESSION OVERVIEW: Grassroots MCH Leaders sparking dialogue on building healthy communities

"Add quote later"

Mayo Clinic, Craig N. Sawchuk


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