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Navigating the Social Ecological Model of Health Promotion (5 sessions)

SESSION 13:  Assessing Local Needs Technology and You = tools for collecting data


MARCH 25: Session 13


Section 1

Developing a Plan for Assessing Local Needs and Resources



Universal Declaration of Human Rights


A) OPEN a Survey Monkey Account 

  • Visit to open an account. Survey Monkey is a wonderful tool for building short [10 questions or less] digital surveys.

  • Send your username/password to yourself through email so you can get back to it if you forget it. Include "Survey Monkey username and password" in the Subject line so you can search for it in your email.


B) Writing About Reading

What is one practical idea and technological tool you might use for assessing local needs = Create a plan with questions + a way to collect data from a specific audience


SAMPLE RESPONSE: I want to poll teens about their understanding of what to do after a sexual assault or if a friend talks with them about a sexual assault.


I will create a digital survey using Survey Monkey. I will ask Grassroots Teen Leaders to help circulate the survey to local teens through social media.


I will shape the survey to ask questions in ways that also share information, AND I will keep the survey short to help get a higher response/completion rate.


Sample Survey Questions:

1) Did you know that if someone experiences a sexual assault that they should not shower and that they should not wash the clothes they were wearing as a way to preserve evidence for a medical professional to examine as part of providing health care, support, and treatment?

---Yes, I did know that someone who experiences a sexual assault should not shower and should preserve as much physcial evidence [clothes, bandages, paper towels used to clear wounds, and other items that might have DNA from the perpetrator] from the person who hurt your friend, even if that is saliva, a condom, or fingerprints on a bottle?

--No, I did not know that someone who experience sexual assault should wait to shower and collect/bag physical evidence from the assault.

SHAPE three to five questions AND answers you might raise on your survey. Multiple choice is the very best way to organize your survey.

C) List THREE practical ways you can design/use data-based assessments


SAMPLE RESPONSE: I can use the data I collect to 1) share with Dr. Jack and MCHL to help their quarterly reports, 2) use the information to help me apply for grants, 3) add the data collected to my WEBSITE and TEDTalk.



Each of us can generate data that will help us as grassroots community leaders. That data might be part of communicating with and supporting the community, like in the teen survey question above. OR we can collect data to HELP US better understand what the community wants and values so that we can better serve as grassroots leaders.


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Mayo Clinic, Craig N. Sawchuk


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